
Blog Data and Misinformation

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Recente berichten

Journalistic story fact check team 6

Tweeting or tweaking? How Dutch politicians describe the COVID-19 situation on Twitter Image: Schwarz (2020) Browsing through social media feeds, one will not only encounter the latest updates of family and friends, but also of politicians who want to address topics and promote their viewpoints. A platform like Twitter may be especially appropriate for politicians…

How misleading data is even influencing you while choosing what you want to eat for dinner.

Data nowadays is everywhere. Your energy use is tracked, your activity online, questionnaires are emailed to you. Everything is measured. This means, where data is, there is also misleading data. Our society is becoming more and more dependent on data. Data on its own has little value, but the interpretation of data can give it…

Framing ‘the news’ for the safety of people

When I googled the word ‘framing’ a particular thing was surprising to me and this was that I did not found, any news related articles in my search action, on the first two pages of Google. When I was searching further, the first article that I did found, was not public and, it was also…

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